In the output, notice ``#x''. This represent history id for that pdf. These ids are used to track the history.
SELECT * FROM trucks WHERE xpos > 0.5;
id | xpos_2_3 | ypos | cargo_4
1 | prod(norm(1 , 2)#204, norm(1 , 2)#205) | x0 > 0.5 | NULL| hist(1 , 2: 0.5 , 0.5)#206
Notice ``x0 > 0.5''. x0 represents first dimention of the pdf. ``x0 > 0.5'' means that there is a floor on the pdf with first dimension greater than 0.5 .
SELECT ypos, cargo FROM trucks where xpos > 0.5;
ypos_1 | cargo_2
marg(prod(norm(1 , 2)#204, norm(1 , 2)#205) | x0 > 0.5, x1) | hist(1 , 2: 0.5 , 0.5)#206
Notice the marg() function. This means, that we need only second (x1) dimention of the pdf. First floor is computed, and then it is marginlized.
Rohit Jain 2011-08-02